
‘Earth Body I’, Finland
May 2024

Directed by Arran Gregory and Alexander Ingham Brooke.
Sound by As The Wave Forms

To reconnect with the earth, is to walk through the layers of time and memory, through piles of leaves, bark, moss, and soil. It's a conversation older than words.

'Earth Body I' is a sculpture of the senses, aligned with the elemental cycles of growth, grounded within the Forest.The film documents the discovery of a new trajectory for sculpting earth. Channels of inspiration that flow into the creative process in the forest, are greeted as passing phenomena.

Sculpting, like meditation, embraces the impermanence of things, shaping what emerges naturally. There is no making of, but a state of becoming with the land; creating becomes existing, an extension of the body into the contours of the earth.

Film shot in early 2024, in Arteles Creative Center located in the countryside city of Hämeenkyrö in Finland, following a month spent working in solitude, without a phone, without wi-fi - as the forest became my studio.



‘Blue Entity’, [Earth Body IV], Tian Taru, Bali
Nov 2024

Directed by Arran Gregory and Alexander Ingham Brooke.
Sound by As The Wave Forms

In November 2024, Arran Gregory spent three weeks working in residency at Tian Taru in Bali. ‘Earth Body IV' marks a journey to the jungle of Payangan. Working alongside local artisans Tian Taru. Here we see the introduction of raw indigo plants, harvested and processed into natural dye and mixed into the clay.

Thank you River, Tian, Seba, Ayu, Made, Putu and Ben.



‘Penunggu Sungai’, [Earth Body V],
Bengoh Range Jungle, Sarawak, Borneo.

Dec 2024

Directed by Arran Gregory and Alexander Ingham Brooke.
Sound by As The Wave Forms

Created during December 2024 whilst living alongside the Bidayuh indigenous community in the Bengoh Range Jungle, Sarawak, Borneo.

The Bidayuh people believe that certain places in the wilderness are sacred—gateways where the spirit world and the human world overlap. Among these places, riverbeds are considered especially powerful. The river, flowing with life and mystery, is said to be home to spirits that can see into the hearts of mortals (such as the Penunggu Sungai, the guardian spirit of the river who will visit you and offer you what you want if you sleep on the riverbed at night).

To step into the river is to step beyond the illusion of permanence. A lesson in the nature of ephemerality, flow and change.

Thank you Lottie, Lelem, Ben.